A Journey with Odin Leather Goods

Continuing our Texas expedition, we found ourselves in the sprawling city of Dallas, captivated by its size and vibrancy. While our time in Dallas was limited, we knew there were more extraordinary makers to meet and we will be back.

The next morning after we had checked into our hotel in Dallas, we drove to Lewisville, a charming town where we had the pleasure of connecting with Odin Clark, the visionary behind Odin Leather Goods. Through the power of Instagram, we discovered Odin's modern leather creations and were thrilled when he accepted our invitation to record a podcast in his store.

We made our way to Odin's store. Stepping into his shop, we were greeted with warmth and enthusiasm. Odin's store seamlessly integrated his workspace, allowing customers to witness the creative process while browsing their leather goods.

After exchanging pleasantries, Odin guided us through his store, sharing the stories behind the crafted items. From wallets to bags, Odin's leather goods exuded a modern and timeless elegance. The shop itself was a testament to Odin's vision, a space where creativity flourished alongside a curated collection of fine leather goods.

Prior to beginning our conversation, we took a much-needed coffee break to a cute coffee shop next door. Equipped with the Nomono Sound capsule, a portable podcasting solution, we quickly set up our recording equipment, still marveling at its efficiency and convenience. The capsule allowed us to capture the essence of Odin's story effortlessly. With Odin's passion as our guide, we embarked on a captivating conversation, tracing his journey to where he stands today. It was an honor to be in the presence of such an inspiring individual.

Once the podcast concluded, we had the pleasure of meeting Odin's beautiful wife, who joined us for an engaging conversation. We shared our mission and vision for We Are Makers, exchanging ideas and aspirations. The connection between creators was profound, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

With the day still ahead of us, we took some time for ourselves, relishing in the experiences of the past three weeks on the road. Seeking out a local BBQ spot, we stumbled upon Sullivan Old Town BBQ, where we indulged in some good food. It was the perfect opportunity to reflect on the remarkable journey we had embarked upon and the incredible individuals we had encountered along the way.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Odin for generously sharing his time and inspiring us with his journey. We look to meeting you again in the future!

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