Meeting Ben Geisler, the Talented Saddle Maker

Meeting Ben Geisler, the Talented Saddle Maker

After an exhilarating podcast session with Brett and Brandon from Yellow Hammer Creative, we continued our adventure—a nearly four-hour drive to Enterprise, Alabama. Our destination was the home and workplace of the immensely talented saddle maker, Ben Geisler, whom we had previously featured in Edition Six of our publication. Little did we know that our stay here would not only provide us with a much-needed break but also leave us with cherished memories of Ben and his wonderful family.

A Warm Welcome: As we arrived at Ben's humble abode, we were warmly greeted by him and his three dogs, beautiful wife Brit and their awesome son Harrison. Ben then took us straight to his incredible workshop. As soon as we opened the door there was the rich aroma of leather and a workshop full of old and modern equipment but the thing that instantly caught our attention was one of his handmade saddles proudly sat ready to be packaged up and sent to it’s new owner! It was immediately clear that we had entered the domain of a master craftsman.

Our time with Ben spanned four delightful days, during which we immersed ourselves in the world of saddle making via our first podcast where we chatted to Ben as he worked. We were captivated by his meticulous attention to detail, his unwavering passion for his craft, and the depth of knowledge he possessed. With each stroke of his skilled hands, a raw piece of leather transformed into a work of art.

But it wasn't just the craft itself that left a lasting impression on us. Ben's dedication to preserving traditional techniques while embracing innovation was inspiring. He shared stories of his journey, his mentors, and the challenges he faced, underscoring the perseverance required to excel in a niche profession like saddle making.

Beyond his exceptional skill as a saddle maker, Ben's hospitality and the warmth of his family truly enhanced our experience. Together, we shared meals and exchanged stories. It was heartwarming to witness the genuine bond that existed between them, as they supported and encouraged each other in their respective pursuits.

As our time in Enterprise drew to a close, we couldn't help but reflect on the meaningful connections we had forged. The visit to Ben's workshop had not only deepened our appreciation for the artistry of saddle making but had also reminded us of the importance of fostering human connections in our own lives.

We were grateful to Ben for generously sharing his time, knowledge, and passion with us. His dedication to his craft and the love he poured into each creation were evident, serving as a powerful reminder that true fulfillment lies in pursuing what sets our souls on fire.

Not only did we learn all about the saddle making world, Jack taught Ben how to weld! As we departed from Enterprise, we carried with us the memories of those four unforgettable days spent in the presence of a master craftsman and his family. Our encounter with Ben Geisler served as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of dedication, artistry, and the connections we make on our journey as creatives.

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