A trip to Aberdeen: Fernweh UK, Laura Sherriffs

A trip to Aberdeen: Fernweh UK, Laura Sherriffs

Back on UK soil, our first podcast back was to Aberdeen, where we had the pleasure of meeting the talented Laura Sherriffs. We had previously featured Laura in our fifth edition, and it was a delight to delve deeper into her creative journey through a podcast session.

The podcast idea sprouted from a spring cleaning session in our office and home. While sorting through our belongings, we had a surplus of leather from my previous venture in leatherwork, Ardent Leather, my own leather business. In an effort to declutter, we decided to sell the leather and posted about it on Instagram. Laura, intrigued by the offer, reached out to us directly, expressing her interest in purchasing the lot. We struck a deal: if she bought the leather, we would personally deliver it to her and record a podcast during our visit.

We coordinated our trip to Aberdeen with our trip to podcast with Johnstons of Elgin the following day. With our car packed and our podcasting equipment in tow, we set off on our journey. Arriving early at Laura's studio in Deemouth Artist Studios, that houses a vibrant community of over 40 creatives. We arrived with the kettle on, had a quick browse of Laura’s well organised work space and then sat down for a podcast. We shared stories, delved into her creative process, and explored the inspirations behind her craft. Laura's infectious enthusiasm and warm personality made the experience all the more enjoyable.

After the podcast, we embarked on a short seaside escapade. Laura guided us to a charming container coffee shop called Liberty Kitchen. This charitable organization not only provided a space to enjoy hot drinks and cakes but also facilitated dolphin watching. Sipping our coffee, we were lucky enough to spot a few dolphins gracefully swimming in the distance—an unexpected highlight of the day.

Our time with Laura was fun, filled with laughter & inspiring conversations. Her creativity and passion shines through, making her a true gem in the Aberdeen artistic community. As we continue our podcasting journey, we are grateful for the opportunities to connect with talented individuals like Laura and share their stories. Each encounter adds depth and richness to our own understanding of the creative world.

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