A Friday Gift From Jack Margerison.

Our friend Jack caught the personalities of blacksmith and tiny house builder Floris Postmes and his brother in their joint adventure to be creative.

A Friday Gift From Jack Margerison.

Jack Margerison: Photographer, Follower, Recommender, and all round good guy.

Long-time follower and occasional recommender of makers Jack Margerison reached out to us sometime back when we were driving through Belgium and recommended we stop in and see blacksmith, knifemaker, and tiny house builder Floris Postmes, whom Jack had met not long before. One thing led to another, and a couple of months ago, we released a podcast with Floris (which you can watch and listen to here). We still talk to Jack via our DM's, and of late, Jack has kindly offered to come shoot stills on some documentary projects we are starting next week. 

Today, I wanted to show you guys some of Jack's work; no marketing email, just a Gift from Kate + I + Jack to you, the supporters of crafts. Consider it like cake day in the office for all of us officeless people. Jack shot fantastic photos of Floris and his brother building their tiny house and a cool video of Floris's blacksmith work and story. Check it all out below. 

Enjoy you awesome people

Enjoy, and have a fantastic weekend, you phenomenal people. Be sure to drop Jack a message / follow/ and thank him (details at the bottom of this article). He brought the office cake this week. 

Jack Margerison Website: https://www.jackmargerison.co.uk
Jack Margerison Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackmarge/

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