Callum Russel Art

Papercut artist and printmaker Callum Russell, now based in Edinburgh, crafts intricate urban-inspired images, using delicate paper-cutting techniques and exploring the dynamic relationship between people and their built environments.

Callum Russel Art

Edition 3 Feature (September 2021)
Words by: Callum Russell 
Location: Edinburgh, UK
Photo Credit:©Daniel Cook @danielcook / ©Callum Russell 

I am a papercut artist and printmaker from London, UK, now living in Edinburgh. I have been making papercuts for about 10 years now, after developing my style and technique while doing a BA in Illustration at Falmouth University. In 2017, I completed a Master’s in Contemporary Art at Edinburgh College of Art. In August 2020, I started to use lino cutting as a way of making limited edition reproductions of my papercut images. I’ve been really enjoying the process and new possibilities that this printmaking method has given my image-making. 

I work from my home and the time I spend cutting paper or carving lino is almost meditative. Having one thing to concentrate on – doing small repetitive actions with the scalpel or the lino tools – has a way of drowning out the world and quietening my thoughts. I listen to podcasts and audiobooks while I work, and I try to always have a project on the go. I often find that if I haven’t made any artwork for a few days I get agitated and restless. 

I like to create images that explore the interaction between people and the urban environment. I like to observe quiet moments of people existing in and amongst the often complex and imposing physical structures that we build around ourselves. There is both a physical and psychological impact of these environments and I attempt to suggest this in the images I make. 

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