Cally Booker

Cake Booker, a weaver in Dundee, Scotland, creates unique micro-collections of scarves and accessories under the Bonny Claith label. Each piece, woven with wool and silk blends, tells a personalized story.

Cally Booker

Edition One Feature (September 2020)
Wordy by: Cally Booker
Location: Dundee, Scotland, UK
Photo Credits: ©Anneleen Lindsay Photography

I’m a weaver, turning yarn into cloth. Everything about my practice is rooted in the interlacement of warp and weft. I work at my loom on the top floor of an old jute mill that has been converted into artists’ studios in Dundee, on the east coast of Scotland, in the UK. From the windows, I can see clear across the city to the North Sea. The expansiveness of Dundee’s setting is one of the reasons I love living and working here. Big skies and open water are essential for me to thrive. 

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