Tennessee: Our Podcast Tour Week 2 Highlights

Tennessee: Our Podcast Tour Week 2 Highlights

Welcome back to our podcast tour adventures in the USA! We are delighted to share our experiences in Tennessee, where we met some amazing makers and tasted some delicious treats. In the first half of our second week, we travelled from North GA to Chattanooga and Knoxville, where we recorded two inspiring podcasts and enjoyed the warm hospitality of our hosts. Here are the highlights of our week:

We had the pleasure of meeting Tyler Rogers, a skilled woodworker who crafts Windsor chairs. Tyler invited us to join him at his friend's coffee shop, Velo Coffee Roasters, where they carry out every aspect of the coffee-making process under one roof, from roasting and packaging to brewing and bottling. Over a wonderful conversation, Tyler shared with us his inspiring story, how he embarked on his journey as a woodworker and his experiences so far. To our delight, Tyler even brought along some of his work for us to admire and even use his chairs for our podcast!

Our next destination was Knoxville, where we had the pleasure of meeting Scott Stewart, the founder of Alchemy Bake House, a cookie company that recently moved from California to Tennessee. Scott welcomed us to Sugano Coffee, where his cookies are now available, and treated us to a delicious assortment of his signature cookies, including chocolate chip, S’MORES , and THE APOCALYPSE COOKIE. We were impressed by the quality and flavor of the cookies, and quite frankly were the best cookies we’ve ever had! We also recorded a fun podcast with Scott, who shared his story of starting a cookie company and his passion for baking.

After our podcast with Scott, we had the pleasure of visiting Brian Melton's wood sculpture studio, where we saw his impressive works in progress and chatted about his creative process. Brian is a talented artist who uses reclaimed wood to create intricate and meaningful sculptures. We featured Brian in our fifth edition of our publication, and it was great to catch up with him in person and see his latest projects. Brian and his wife also took us to their favorite pizza place for dinner and enjoyed each other’s company.

Our week in Tennessee was full of inspiration & good conversations. We are grateful to Tyler, Scott, Brian, and their families for welcoming us and sharing their stories with us. We hope you enjoyed reading about our adventures and encourage you to check out our podcasts and reach out to these makers if you're in the area. Stay tuned for the second half of our second week, where we explore Nashville and meet more amazing makers. Thanks for following our journey!

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