The postcast content and the Podcast player embed code goes hereWe took at trip over to the Netherlands to meet Wilco Lindner in his home and to see his workshop and work.

“I began making my functional art around two or three years back but couldn’t put all my time into it as I was still running a CrossFit gym then. Building things with my hands was giving me a really good feeling, so I quit the gym about a year ago to focus fully on this. I started working on the business full-time around June 2021. I’ve just kept hammering on ever since and it’s got me where I am today.”

We Are Makers
Insta: @weare_makers
Website: https://wearemakers.shop/

Wilco Lindner
Insta: @bywilcolindner
Website: www.bywilcolindner.com
Youtube: @anineteenbuilt  

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