I found myself in the world of Bookbinding | WAM CAST #0053 - Gillian Stewart, JUJU BOOKS

I found myself in the world of Bookbinding | WAM CAST #0053 - Gillian Stewart, JUJU BOOKS

Welcome to another episode of the We Are Makers podcast, Episode 53! Join hosts Jack and Kate as they delve into the world of contemporary design and bookbinding with the talented Gillian Stewart, the visionary behind JUJU Books. Established in 2017, JUJU Books has gained recognition for its exceptional craftsmanship and unique approach to bookbinding.

Gillian Stewart, a distinguished bookbinder and QEST Ambassador, brings together her diverse background in design, illustration, printmaking, and traditional bookbinding skills. A graduate of the prestigious Glasgow School of Art, Gillian's passion for creating beautifully crafted objects shines through her work. Her dedication to preserving the art of bookbinding, honed through extensive training across Europe, ensures that each creation is a testament to both tradition and innovation.

During our afternoon in Gillian's workshop in Glasgow, we had the privilege of exploring the intricacies of bookbinding while unraveling the story of Gillian's personal journey. From her decision to forge her own path as an independent bookbinder to the steps she took in building her flourishing business, our conversation covered a range of fascinating topics.

Craft, as a theme, took center stage during the discussion, offering insights into the challenges and triumphs of an endangered craft like bookbinding. Gillian's passion for her art and her commitment to preserving this ancient practice provided a profound glimpse into the significance of handmade objects and the lasting impact they have on the world.

In a time where digital media dominates, the work of Gillian Stewart and JUJU Books serves as a testament to the enduring value of beautifully bound objects. Their creations not only elevate the art of bookbinding but also serve as timeless archives of knowledge and inspiration for generations to come.

We Are Makers
Insta: @weare_makers
Website: https://wearemakers.shop

JUJU Books
Insta: @juju.books
Website: https://www.jujubooks.co.uk/

Insta: @nomonosound
Website: https://nomono.co/
Youtube: @NomonoSound

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