Brand Photography with Nicole Bedard | WAMCAST #0056

Brand Photography with Nicole Bedard | WAMCAST #0056

In this special episode, your hosts, Kate and Jack Lennie, step into the world of professional services that can be game-changers for makers. We understand that navigating the intricacies of various services can be daunting, so we're here to demystify it all for you.

Today, we're thrilled to have Nicole Bedard, a renowned brand photographer based in Connecticut, as our guest. Nicole brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in brand photography to the table, and she's here to help makers like you understand the ins and outs of this essential service.

In this episode, we dive deep into the realm of brand photography, exploring how it differs from conventional photography. Nicole shares valuable insights on how makers can harness the power of brand photography to effectively showcase their craft and story.

We also discuss crucial topics such as spotting red flags when choosing a photographer, making informed decisions to communicate your business's narrative through photography, and maximizing the impact of your visual content.

Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned maker looking to elevate your brand, this episode is a must-listen. Nicole Bedard provides expert guidance that can empower you to make informed business decisions and ensure the sustainability and growth of your craft.

Tune in now to gain a deeper understanding of brand photography and how it can transform your maker journey. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share this episode with fellow makers who can benefit from this valuable information.

Let's demystify the world of professional services together and empower makers worldwide!

We Are Makers
Insta: @weare_makers

Nicole Bedard
Youtube:    nicolebedardphotography  
Instagram:   nbedardphotog  

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