Indego Africa

Discover Indego Africa's impactful journey, empowering over 1,200 artisan and refugee women in Rwanda and Ghana, blending traditional craftsmanship with contemporary design for a global audience.

Indego Africa

Edition Two Features
Words by: Adesina Oyenuga 
Location: New York City (USA) + Rwanda and Ghana 
Photo Credits: ©Indego Africa 

Indego Africa is a non-profit organisation that supports the integrity of artisan-made goods and creates opportunities for the women who make them. We partner with more than 1,200 artisan and refugee women in Rwanda and Ghana to sell products that are created in collaboration in New York City and handcrafted in Africa – combining traditional techniques, local materials and genuine artisanal skill. 

What began as a model to empower artisan women in post-genocide Rwanda has grown into an unwavering commitment to help artisans, unemployed youth, and refugees across Rwanda and Ghana to participate in the artisan economy. 

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