Jodi Sparber

Jodi Sparber, a self-taught artist from Lynden, Washington, shares her artistic journey, teaching art to children, and discovering her unique style inspired by people and nature.

Jodi Sparber

Edition One Feature (September 2020)
Words by: Jodi Sparber
Location: Lynden, Washington, USA
Photo Credit: ©Jodi Sparber

I have always been creative, the kid who loved to draw and paint and craft almost anything. But it took many years and countless twists and turns to land me where I am today – painting from a home studio in my childhood hometown of Lynden, Washington, USA. Home is my favourite place to be, which makes being a full-time artist an ideal fit for me. It also helps to be surrounded by the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, with fields, farms and forests nearby and mountains and ocean not much further away. 

My art journey began early on, with my love of drawing. It came naturally to me and I vividly remember the first time – aged about seven or eight years old – that I made a realistic drawing. My mind went to a whole new place and, as if by magic, it appeared before my eyes. It’s still that feeling that keeps me coming back to drawing again and again. The hardest part for me was finding the right outlet for my creativity. And since I’ve never had any formal art training, I have often felt frustrated and lost as to what to ‘do’ with this thing that I loved. 

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