
Kelly and Scott of knitbrooks in Nova Scotia, Canada, they handcraft unique wooden crochet hooks from driftwood. Explore their artisanal process and shared passion for woodworking.


Edition Four Feature
Words by: Kelly Brooks and Scott Gardiner 
Location: Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada 
Photo Credit: ©Kelly Books 

My name is Kelly, and I’m the one far off down the beach looking for beautiful, weathered, gnarly, sun-bleached pieces of driftwood. Scott’s the one sauntering along behind, hauling three bags already overflowing with wood (later helping to shove those bags into the back seat of my car to join a different pile of sticks collected in a nearby forest). We are the two halves of knitbrooks. 

We live on Canada’s east coast in beautiful Nova Scotia, where we’re fortunate enough to spend our days handcrafting wooden crochet hooks for the modern maker. If someone had told me 10 or even 5 years ago that I would be making fibre tools for a living, I’m not sure what my reaction would have been. Perhaps, “That sounds cool, but … what?” 

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