Knitting Nellie

Morgan Panich, a bag maker and aspiring knitwear designer in the Adirondack Mountains, NY, found creative restoration in crafting quilted pouches. Balancing family life, she transforms her A-frame cabin into a studio, infusing nature-inspired stories into each Knitting Nellie bag.

Knitting Nellie

Edition Four Feature
Words by: Morgan Panich 
Location: Adirondack Mountains, New York, USA 
Photo Credit: ©Eric Jenks

I’m Morgan Panich, a bag maker and aspiring knitwear designer working out of my A-frame cabin in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State, USA. After having my children and dedicating myself to becoming a stay-at-home mother, I sought to restore my inner creative self. Quilted pouches seemed like the perfect place to start, and I made a few for friends as gifts. What began as a hobby quickly grew into a business, and I’m now wearing many hats as Knitting Nellie continues to grow. 

I don’t have the typical work schedule or business structure, but what I do have is that I work for myself and my family at the moment, and that’s all I can ask for. I have one child in school and one a year away from starting school. So you’ll often find me working late at night, after the kids have been tucked into bed, with a candle burning and some folk music playing. 

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