Meghann Rader

Megan Rader, an illustrator and licensing artist based in Port Alberni, BC, Canada. Juggling the creative realm with parenting, Rader finds solace and joy in crafting artwork. Her journey, from art school to discovering the world of art licensing, reflects dedication and hard work

Meghann Rader

Edition Two Feature (March 2021)
Words by: Meghann Rader
Location: Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada 
Photo Credit: ©Meghann Rader

I’m an illustrator and licensing artist, which means that I create artwork both traditionally and digitally for products like greeting cards, gift wrap and home goods, or for books and magazines. I work from home, balancing my creative work with taking care of my two little ones. Working in this way isn’t always the most glamorous, and it can be hard to stay motivated when there are dishes in the sink and there is laundry to be folded. But I’m very grateful to be doing what I love and to have the freedom to determine my own schedule in a way that works best for our family. 

I live with my husband and two children in Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada. We moved here because it’s an affordable small town where we could afford to buy a home in which to raise our family. 

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