Pedullá Studio

furniture maker Nick Pedullá in Sydney, Australia is crafting bespoke solid wood sculpted cabinets to unique designs, delve into the passion and precision of his one-of-a-kind creations.

Pedullá Studio

Edition Four Feature
We Feature: Nick Pedullá 
Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 
Photo Credit: ©Nick Pedulla 

What is it that you do and how do you do it? 

I’m a furniture maker who builds primarily out of solid wood. Pretty much every design that you see on my website or Instagram, I designed and built myself. I really take pride in doing one-off pieces – that way, the client can have a one-of-a-kind piece and I can have fun with every project that I do because it’s new and exciting. It’s about trying to do the coolest version that I can possibly make at that current time and provide the client with something unique and that has a bit of a story as well. 

A client will generally come to me with a brief that includes the size of the piece and the timber – or at least the colour of timber – that they’re after. To get an idea of their style, I always request at least three inspiration images too. It also helps if they can include images of their home, so I can try and base the design on other things that they have. I’ll then provide the client with three designs based on that brief, and if I feel like I can get more ‘out there’, I’ll add further designs that go off script. 

It’s really important to me that my clients are excited from beginning to end. It’s the worst feeling ever when you put a ton of research into something and spend a lot of money on it and then it arrives broken, or you have terrible customer service, or something else ruins it for you – that shouldn’t happen. I try hard to ensure that my clients are enjoying the process, whether or not they can come into the workshop, and during lockdown I was doing FaceTime calls to show the client the build every day. Clients really enjoy seeing that process, and the reactions I get from them is a really fun part of my work. 

My kind of furniture brings in a certain kind of clientele. Some people can’t justify spending thousands of dollars on a piece, whereas others can. Sydney’s a pretty good place to do that, particularly on the Northern Beaches, where I’m from. 

Is there a lot of problem-solving with something as complex as your sculpted cabinet? 

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