Reflecting on a Year of Growth, Adventures, and Milestones

Reflecting on a Year of Growth, Adventures, and Milestones

As we bid farewell to 2023, it's time to take a moment and reflect on the incredible journey We Are Makers has embarked upon this year. A year that can only be described as a "LEVEL UP" – filled with unique opportunities, spontaneous adventures, and a deepening connection with the global community of makers.

Spontaneity and Skiing in Montgenevre

At the beginning of the year, we made a commitment to embrace spontaneity. This decision led us to an unforgettable trip to Montgenevre, France, where a podcast recording transformed into a skiing adventure with Andy Carr of Spoon Customs. The experience set the tone for the rest of the year, leaving us grateful for the connections and the special moments we were building with We Are Makers.

From Edition Six to a Podcast Journey in the USA

While working on Edition Six, a milestone for any independent magazine, we found ourselves planning our first podcast trip to the USA. The front cover of this edition holds special significance, featuring a pen crafted by Tim Cullen, a gift for us. This unexpected connection prompted us to embark on a podcast journey across the United States, covering over 4,000 miles to meet and record with makers from different states.

Building a Digital Presence and a Nomadic Podcast

In 2023, our focus on building a digital presence led us to enhance our video podcasts on YouTube. Thanks to Nomono, a revolutionary traveling podcast kit, sponsored by them, we seamlessly recorded podcasts from Atlanta, Georgia, to Houston, Texas. The generosity and hospitality of the makers we met along the way left us humbled and thankful for the community we've built. You can see all of these podcasts on our Youtube channel!

(Nomono on the left) vs our previous kit! 

Wanting to start a podcast? We highly recommend Nomono. If you have any questions, do get in touch either with them or with us. Here's a discount code if you'd like to buy one!

Quarterly Magazine, Subscriptions, and Edition Seven

Responding to the evolving needs of our readers and team, we transitioned from a biannual to a quarterly magazine. This shift allowed for continuous content, reduced shipping costs, and easier management. Edition Seven marked a turning point, with heartfelt appreciation for our readers who embraced subscriptions, a significant milestone for We Are Makers.

A Year on the Road and Edition Nine

With a significant portion of our year spent on the road, creating the magazine on the go became a juggling act. The dedication and determination of our tiny team—Kate, Jack, Kitty, and Tyrone—ensured that the quality of content remained top-notch. As we head into the new year, Edition Nine is set to be sent to print in mid-January, promising a fresh collection of incredible stories. ( BUT don't forget edition eight, our most recent print. It's an amazing edition, if you've not got your copy, remember to add it to your basket!!)

Ambition, Passion, and Edition Ten on the Horizon

Our journey, fueled by ambition and passion, has been sustained through personal investment and hard work. As we inch closer to producing Edition Ten, we invite you to join our subscription and receive inspiration at your doorstep four times a year. We believe in building something special for a truly remarkable community, and our goals for the upcoming year reflect our commitment to shine the light on makers and provide an incredible platform for them.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

As the year comes to a close, we extend our warmest wishes to all our readers, listeners, and the makers who make We Are Makers what it is. Here's to a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, wherever you are in the world.

Much love,

Kate & Jack

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