Empire Copper

Edition Six Feature
Words by: Beth and Cam Hayes
Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia 
Photo Credit: ©Caitlin Ruth Creative @caitlinruth.au

Hi everyone. We are Cam and Beth Hayes, the husband-and-wife team behind Empire Copper. We hand-craft copper, brass and bronze homewares, jewellery and gifts from our studio in Perth, Western Australia, Australia. We specialise in unique patination and traditional anniversary gifts.

What is a patina or patination? We’re glad you asked.

Patination is the process of changing the appearance of metal, particularly copper, brass or bronze. A patina develops on these metals as a layer of protection from corrosion. While it usually refers to a chemical process, patination can also mean any ageing process that causes natural discolouration or fading, including extreme temperature changes.

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