Magnus AleksanderVartdal

Edition Five Feature
Words by Wilco Lindner
Location: Trondheim, Norway
Photo Credit: ©Lili Zaneta @lilizaneta

Blacksmithing and stone carving are my two great passions. To me, the two crafts both represent the perfect balance of hard, physical labour and a deeply creative and rewarding process. I love working iron and stone, two materials that naturally feel hard, heavy and unmalleable. But by means of hammer and chisel, anvil and fire, one might turn the heavy grey stone and the cold hard iron into something organic, beautiful and practical.

My name is Magnus Aleksander Vartdal and I am a stonemason/carver and blacksmith working for the Nidaros Cathedral restoration works in Trondheim, Norway. The restoration works have a long history, having been established in 1869 with the sole purpose of restoring the then partially ruined cathedral. The workshop houses blacksmiths, masons, stonemasons, plasterers, carpenters, stained glass workers and conservators, as well as archaeologists and researchers. All practise the traditional crafts and skills required to restore the cathedral, making it the only workshop of its kind in Norway and an exceptionally inspiring work environment. 

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