Rough Cut Craft

Edition Five Feature
Words by Brian Melton
Location: Tennessee, USA
Photo Credit: ©Kristen Bright @kristenbrightphotography

Often, I feel that I am teetering somewhere on the delineation between unspoken lines, and I am slowly learning to embrace my place on this Island of Misfit Toys. Current notions in the US art scene typically build a Robert Frostian stone wall in an attempt to segregate those working with wood into a category of colloquial craft. But I hope to be a leader in the movement as we take this complex yet warm and inviting material and literally carve out a place for it in white-walled galleries and well-appointed homes. 

As global social media platforms now work to highlight the beauty of this medium, appreciation will spread. Maybe one day in the near future, we will begin to see exhibitions and galleries full of meticulously carved sculptures. Better yet, studios and classrooms may be filled with the staccato rhythm of the mallet and the gentle whisper of the well-honed gouge

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