Illustrator of Wild Things

Edition Six Feature
Words by: Sterre Verbokkem
Location: Vilafamés, Spain 
Photo Credit: ©Sterre Verbokkem @illustratorofwildthings

Every morning, I wake up to see the sun rise from behind the mountains on the horizon. I work from my home surrounded by nature in rural Spain. I love to be flexible with where I work. In winter, I love to work at my desk with the cosy warmth of a crackling fire next to me; in summer, I work outside whenever I can, sitting at a table in the shade of an ancient olive tree in front of our house.

I’m a nature illustrator, creating illustrations for clients with a passion for nature, or working on personal projects. I have a wide variety of clients, ranging from van owners, singersongwriters and small businesses to big nature education organisations, but they all have one thing in common: they love nature and the outdoors. I love to explain concepts in a visual way, whether to create custom illustrations or to tell stories with my art.

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