The Calm Before (And After) the Storm.

Edition Ten is making its way across the world and we are already receiving some amazing feedback.

You would be forgiven for thinking things have slowed down a bit for Kate and I this week:

The first two weeks after the launch of an edition is a strange time for Kate and I.

From the outside it looks like not much is going on, however, it is in fact our busiest time.

We had a momentary coffee break to recollect our thoughts on launch morning then we went straight back to work (we've still not had some celebratory cake yet 🍰) We had a public talk on launch day afternoon. More on that later.

We typically sit down and review the last 3 month period. We look at what worked and what didn't, then firm up a plan for the next.

With that, what is coming up in the next few months for We Are Makers?

As I mentioned above, we spent launch day talking to the guys at Grub Street who organised a live event - Magazine Mayday. Joanna and Peter are big supporters of people keeping print alive. We talked about our journey as an independent publisher and the why's of our mission. The full talk will be available on our YouTube in the coming weeks. (be sure to subscribe so you dont miss out)

We have loads more exciting podcasts being uploaded starting with Leather Jacket craftsman Field Leathers, Blacksmith Adrian Wood, Stone Carver Rosy Winterton, and of course as we travel through the southeast coast of Australia we will be capturing more makers stories in podcast form.

We leave for Australia in less than two weeks to cover the Unesco Creative Cities event in Ballarat for Edition Eleven. It's going to be a busy one, with a full itinerary made up, just for us!

We are looking at how to best document this trip more with you guys. Maybe we will start a Substack / second newsletter for those interested in what we get up to on the road in our mission to find and spotlight makers, artists, and craftspeople. If you have any good ideas as to how you would like us to do this please reply to this mail and let us know (I would also be interested in anyones thoughts on substack) We realise that not everyone will appreciate too many newsletters, but we don't want you to miss out on this journey with us.

Edition Eleven is well under way and will be released August 1st. It is set to be another bumper edition with stories from all across the globe once again. If you haven't already pickled up your Edition Ten you can do so here. It's my favourite so far. Not only because of the content but because it marks 5 years on this insanely fulfilling journey that is We Are Makers.

We are also currently working through digitising stories from Edition five and six on If you are not already aware Editions One through Four are already live on our site for you to enjoy.

I also want to take the opportunity to thank some of the people we have partnered with on our journey. These companies play their part in keeping the lights on at We Are Makers and support our mission:

Real Milk Paint Co - A family company providing a variety of finishes for craftspeople
Ebbis - Global shipping and logistics partner.
Is it leather - Campaigning for the truth in the leather world.
Ed and Hayley of Conkers and Metal are the UK supplier of Odies Oil and have been a key supporter over the last two editions.
Nomono our podcast sponsor and equipment provider. Allowing us to travel and share makers stories with you!

If you are interested in working with us and are equally as passionate about makers, artists and craftspeople and their survival and success we would love to hear from you.

Your Biggest Fans:

Kate and Jack

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